Solar Electricity Grant - SEAI

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Claim up to €2400.00

About the grant


There are 4 different grants available, they are for 

Domestic installation - Your Home

Commercial - Businesses, Shops etc

EV Charger - Electric Vehicle Charger

Tams 3 - Farming




Who can apply


All homeowners, including private landlords, whose homes were built and occupied before 2021 can apply. This is defined as the date your electricity meter was installed. This is different to other grant measures where the home must be built before 2011.



Here’s how the process works

We will arrange an appointment with you to visit and survey your property. We will then discuss the best option available to you. We will draw up our proposal detailing the products and pricing of the installation, payment options and the savings you can expect to see when you have your Solar PV system installed.

If you are happy with our proposal set out for your home, we arrange to have our team with you to carry out the installation within a few weeks. We will send you our service agreement detailing the complete process of the installation for your review and signature and we will then arrange with you a suitable day to carry out the installation. In most cases, the installation is completed in 1 day.


Applying For Your Grant


You need to go on to the SEAI website to apply for your grant, wait for your grant offer before we start any works.

You will need your MPRN number for this which is on your electricty bill.

We also need to contact the ESB to give notice of microgeneration before starting any work, this application process takes at least 4 weeks / 20 working days.

Your solar PV system can now be installed.

Before your grant can be processed you must get a post works BER carried out- Which we will do.


Once the installation is complete we will submit all the paperwork to SEAI portal. The SEAI will verify all projects and sometimes will send an inspector onsite to carry out a detailed inspection of work carried out. A grant of up to €2400 is available for the solar PV installed on your property. Once satisfied all paperwork is in order then the SEAI payment is approved which is usually within 6 weeks.


How much of a grant you are entitled too depends on the size of the system you have had installed.

Request a Callback

A form where clients can input their details so they can arrange a survey of their property for solar panel installations.

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